
Displaying Aggregated Data on an LCD

When using a sensor with an Arduino board there are many ways to communicate measurements such as printing to a serial monitor, displaying data on an LCD screen, shining a light, or making a sound to name a few.  But if multiple sensors are used in tandem an aggregate reading or a summary, might be […]


Data Stream input to NeoPixel LED Strip

Introduction This tutorial is an overview of how to use a NeoPixel LED strip in conjunction with a feed of data such that specific numeric inputs result in corresponding lights on the strip being turned on. The sketch uses a random number generator to create a stream of inputs, but in practice, the stream of […]


Detecting presence of people with distance control and time lag

Mission This tutorial will provide instructions on how to detect human presence with the capacity of using two kinds of sensors. It requires an Arduino Uno, an infrared motion sensor, and an ultrasonic sensor. The detection can help trigger actions of other sensors or intervention products. For example, for the purpose of our project, we […]


Water Temperature Sensor with Arduino

Introduction In this tutorial, I will introduce and explain how to use a water temperature sensor to sense the water temperature inside a river or other water features. There are lots of water temperature sensors you could use with Arduino, but I am using Gikfun DS18B20 Waterproof Temperature Sensor for this tutorial, you can find […]


Now let’s check your drinking water: is the pH safe?

This tutorial will teach us how to use a pH sensor and LCD display with Arduino UNO to measure the pH of a liquid solution, and also make the value shows on the screen. The pH scale is used to measure the acidity and basicity of a liquid. It can have readings ranging from 1-to […]


Using an MQ-4 Sensor with Arduino to Detect Methane Gas

Overview MQ-4 sensors detect the presence of methane gas (CH4) in the air. Methane gas is the largest component of natural gas. There are many applications for detecting CH4, such as detecting rotting foods (especially produce). This tutorial walks through the process of connecting an MQ-4 sensor to an Arduino Uno microcontroller (or equivalent – […]


Sending Serial Monitor Data to Google Firebase with an ESP8266-01

Overview: You’ll program the ESP8266-01 board to send data from your serial monitor to a Firebase Realtime data base. The highlevel steps are: Create a Firebase Realtime Database Wire your circuit Program your ESP8266 Connect your data stream to a web or mobile app Why Firebase? Sending sensed data to Firebase allows you to connect […]


Motion & Light Detection Sensing with Arduino

Have you ever wanted to be able to activate an LED light at night but be able to deactivate it during the day? This tutorial will be your step-by-step guide on how to use a photoresistor to sense when an area is dark and turn on your LED light. This tutorial is a part of […]


Graduating from Arduino Uno to a cloud-enabled notification platform

Introduction With a beginner’s understanding of Arduinos and the powerful ability to build circuits, write code, sense data, and act on that information, you are now ready to modernize the scope and potential of your Arduino-enabled projects! With the Arduino IoT Cloud and IFTTT platform, you can now cut the cord to your computer and […]


Using a Capacitive Sensor to Measure Soil Moisture

Introduction This tutorial covers how to use the Adafruit STEMMA Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor. This sensor works using the same technology as capacitive touchscreens, which are so effective precisely because the human body contains a large amount of water; water is particularly good at altering the capacitance in the sensor, which makes using capacitance to […]