Overview In this tutorial, we will show you how to connect an Arduino UNO R3 with an ESP8266 WiFi module mounted on an ESP-01 adapter. We will also explain the steps for setting up a new channel on ThingSpeak and how to write data on the channel. This tutorial is suitable for beginners who want […]
Tag: arduino

Learn how to wire and code a basic DIY button-triggered thermometer that can measure and display temperature readings from an MLX90614 IR temperature sensor on an LCD screen To make the thermometer you will need to integrate 3 individual components, a button, IR temperature sensor, and an LCD display. First, you will set up a […]
Overview This tutorial aims to provide a step-by-step instruction to implement arduino protype projects that use solar energy via a solar panel and a rechargable battery. This tutorial is built on top of: Hannah Bonestroo’s tutorial provides a detailed description on how to choose the right solar panel with the right batteries. First, the solar […]
Overview This is one of the tutorial for the project ‘Smart Parking Philadelphia’, which is aiming to provide real-time parking information for the drivers in Philadelphia to help them make the decision more easily for parking in Center City. In this tutorial, the induction loop will be introduced which is responsible for counting the vehicles […]
Authors: Asha Bazil, Jenna Epstein, Kristin Chang, Celine Apollon INTRODUCTION Philadelphia residents are experiencing unprecedented levels of food insecurity. 17% of Philly’s population was considered food insecure in 2021,while in 2019 the City generated approximately 240,000 tons of food waste. On top of this, recent escalations in food costs mean that people are relying more […]
Schuylkill Sensors
Team: Saffron Livaccari, Jie Wang, Jiali Yao, Yebei Yao Background In 1940, the Delaware River was one of the most polluted in the nation. A dream of a clean river seemed terribly hopeless, as one EPA official stated in 1973 that the Delaware River may never be fishable (Kauffman Jr., 2010). Although hopes were low, […]
Local-scale Stormwater Inlet Monitoring System Aaron Katz, Jie Li, Zoe Kerrich Overview LoSIMS, a local-scale stormwater infrastructure monitoring system, provides an opportunity to address street flooding with a low-cost, distributed sensor network implemented in stormwater inlets across Philadelphia. Philadelphia has significant problems with stormwater management – and the city chose over a decade ago to […]
Purpose: This tutorial will show you how to use the Arduino to program an ESP8266 WiFi Module. This module can be used to connect your Arduino to the internet. Parts: Arduino Uno Breadboard ESP8266 WiFi Module ESP8266 ESP-01 Breadboard Adaptor 8 jumper wires Notes: This circuit requires 3.3V for power. However, it is ideal if […]
Overview Nowadays people rely on cell phones, so emergency landlines in public spaces are hard to find. For situations when a connection is needed, it can be a tough decision which communication technology to deploy. The popular GSM (Global Systems for Mobile Communication) boards are becoming harder to integrate as 2G and 3G are becoming […]
Indicate water conductivity with an LED
In this tutorial, you will build a device that detects the conductivity of water and use it to control the brightness of an LED light. The conductivity of pure water is very low, but it increases when substances are dissolved in it (Check out this page from the USGS for more on the science behind […]